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An End of Data Innocence?

The freewheeling days of collecting and sharing data are over.

An End of Data Innocence?

Digital information is power. This fact is becoming more and more evident to consumers as they face a rising tide of data breaches and revelations that companies monetize user data. As a result, businesses must work harder to communicate the value behind the data that they collect in a post-privacy world.

Data privacy
Online attitudes

Privacy and security concerns
Consumers consider it important to be in control of their personal information, yet few believe they have control or that businesses can ward off cyberattacks. Consumers are also more distrustful of certain brands versus others when it comes to protecting personal data.  

customer beliefs
What personal infoemation
customer security impact

The ABCs of GDPR
The E.U.’s General Data Protection Regulation went live in May, and companies are scrambling to keep up with new compliance regulations, while consumers are adjusting to new protections.

GDPR impact
GDPR Predictions