
The CX Pod

You probably think this podcast is about you, don't you? Well, you’re right. This is a customer experience podcast hosted by Elizabeth Glagowski of the Customer Strategist Journal.

Tune in for regular discussions and interviews with the brightest and best in CX to get your competitive edge.

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CX Bites: The Best of Customer Experience Insights

September 14, 2020

Over past few months, we had the opportunity to speak to some of the most revered CX experts and influencers on what it takes to meet and exceed customer expectations at a time where it’s needed most.

Customer Strategist Journal Editor Liz Glagowski rounded up the best insights from our first ever live LinkedIn event, "CX Bites: Influencer Insights into the Future of CX," to highlight the top tips needed for succeed. Here is a quick preview of the webinar.