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Hit your CX step goal in 2022

Race ahead with sophisticated customer experience strategies and tactics.

Hit your CX step goal in 2022

Last Christmas I got a Fitbit watch and I must admit I am now obsessed with how many steps I get. If I don’t hit 10,000 in a day it’s a failure. My husband gets annoyed when I pace around the house to reach those last few steps late on some nights. But I’m happy to report that according to the app, my daily average for the year is about 11,000.

I’m happy to continually meet my 10K step goal, but that’s nothing compared to some of my friends who log 20K+ per day. I have one co-worker who breaks 30K regularly. Connecting with these folks in the app community and with challenges keeps me focused on getting more steps and finding new ways to exercise to keep pace with the leaders.

The story of my literal steps reflects how companies have figuratively tackled customer experience transformation. Over the last 18 months, brands quickly pivoted to meet changing customer needs in the pandemic era with expanded digital tools and customer interaction channels. Many saw higher revenues and better customer metrics as a result. But there’s more to do. 

As we enter 2022, some companies are already racing ahead with even more sophisticated CX strategies and tactics. They are elevating CX to the C-suite and investing in digital tools like AI, machine learning, personalization, and analytics to get a deeper understanding of customers and how to further relationships across the organization. They aren’t afraid to change how they do business or upend the status quo.

This issue of the Customer Strategist Journal shares some of those stories. Highlights include:

What worked last year isn’t enough to sustain momentum and beat competitors in 2022 and beyond. So get moving. Enjoy the issue and happy holidays!