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Sports betting firm moves fast

Sports betting firm moves fast, wins big with skilled outsourced customer support

TTEC launched expert, nearshore, digital support within 45 days across multiple lines of business

Sports betting firm moves fast, wins big with skilled outsourced customer support

TTEC launched expert, nearshore, digital support within 45 days across multiple lines of business

650+ advisors ramped within 45 days across multiple geographies
100% work-from-home team with one of the lowest attrition rates at TTEC
3x increase in associates and significant increase in back-office productivity

The challenge

An online sports betting company was growing quicky and its in-house associates couldn’t keep up with customer support demand. Company officials estimated their internal team could only handle about half the number of inquiries that were coming into the contact center.

The client had always previously handled customer support in-house, and some at the company were skeptical of outsourcing. They worried an outsourcing partner wouldn’t understand their business well enough and that company would relinquish control of its customer support. But the company’s exponential growth made it clear it needed help – fast.

Our solution

After assessing the company’s staffing needs, we quickly launched a team of frontline sports betting advisors, based in Mexico, and ramped up to more than 650 FTEs within 45 days. Our associates supported an explosive growth in demand as additional states in the United States granted gaming licenses. To do this, we became licensed in every state where the company operates.

TTEC also implemented a back-office process that made it easier and faster for associates to verify customers’ identities when they contacted the company, making customer interactions faster and more efficient.

The results

TTEC has become one of the company’s core customer experience and fraud prevention partners. The client grew to 715 full-time TTEC associates providing support to its customers, including 40 U.S.-based associates who specialize in customer onboarding. This is triple the number of associates working for the client previously.

Our associates, who all work remotely, support customers in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. The team has one of the lowest attrition rates and highest tenure outcomes at TTEC.

TTEC can now provide customer support in 35 states, plus the District of Columbia, for fantasy sports clients; 21 states for sportsbook clients; and five states for online casinos.