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Skilled tech support slashes hold times 93%

Expert associates and the right CRM drive better, faster resolutions

Skilled tech support slashes hold times 93%

Expert associates and the right CRM drive better, faster resolutions

93% decrease
average hold time
92% QA,
exceeding goal
17% decline
abandon rate

The challenge

A global manufacturer of video surveillance management systems couldn’t resolve tech support inquiries about its cloud-based software quickly. Most customer issues came in via phone and the company’s in-house support team couldn’t keep up with demand.

Wait times averaged longer than 30 minutes, which frustrated customers and associates alike and led to many calls being abandoned.

In addition, the company couldn’t pinpoint where problems and roadblocks occurred due to a lack of reporting; it needed a better customer relationship management (CRM) tool.

Our solution

TTEC provided highly skilled tech support associates to help the  in-house support team handle inquiries. The company didn’t need many associates we began by providing three and later grew to four but our team hit the ground running and produced results quickly.

Our associates not only had the technical expertise to help customers troubleshoot and solve problems quickly, but also the customer experience (CX) training to deliver empathetic support to frustrated customers.

We also strategized with the client about other ways to improve its CX. We guided the company as it chose and implemented a more robust CRM. The new CRM could collect more, better data about customer interactions, providing better quality assurance (QA) and producing actionable insights the business could use to make its tech support more proactive.

The results

Our tech support associates helped reduce average hold time by 93%, from more than 30 minutes down just under two minutes. The quicker response times contributed to a 17% reduction in call abandon rates.

The client also achieved 92% QA, surpassing its goal. Following these improvements, we continued to work with the client to help assess and meet its ongoing and evolving staffing and QA needs.