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Enhanced collaboration and efficiency in the cloud

By shifting various IT systems and applications into the cloud, LifeSource streamlined life-saving organ and tissue donation processes and increased employee productivity

Enhanced collaboration and efficiency in the cloud

By shifting various IT systems and applications into the cloud, LifeSource streamlined life-saving organ and tissue donation processes and increased employee productivity

The challenge

LifeSource works closely with hospitals, transplant centers, and grieving families to facilitate the gifts of organ and tissue donation. This process requires timely access to information, reliable communication, and detailed tracking of key data points.

Our solution

Avtex, a TTEC Digital company, helped LifeSource upgrade their SharePoint environment and move it to the cloud. LifeSource also worked with our user experience team to integrate their brand into their intranet site, creating a seamless experience for their team members.

The results

LifeSource has seen a significant shift in their ability to focus solely on their lifesaving work and not having to worry about managing various IT systems and applications. Moving to the cloud has allowed LifeSource’s limited IT staff to focus on other issues now that they no longer have to manage certain hardware and software assets in-house. They also were able to increase their bandwidth support, and have been able to streamline the process of managing life-saving organ and tissue donation.