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Employee Engagement = Customer Satisfaction

Employee engagement = customer satisfaction

Our client had just given out a customer survey that had customers rate their satisfaction with their account executive. The survey revealed their CSAT scores were in decline. They brought us in to find a solution

Employee engagement = customer satisfaction

Our client had just given out a customer survey that had customers rate their satisfaction with their account executive. The survey revealed their CSAT scores were in decline. They brought us in to find a solution

Improved CSAT
6 months
Social learning
increased employee
Shared knowledge
improved best

Our client – a global leader in the financial services industry – is committed to increasing their competitive differentiation through great customer care. To measure their progress, our client asked customers to rate their account executive via survey, and the company used this valuable information as part of their customer satisfaction (CSAT) metrics. This critical performance indicator was in decline, and we were brought in to identify and implement a solution.

An intensive root-cause analysis showed that this financial services company had a rich knowledge base within its tenured employees, but no effective way of leveraging that experience across the entire organization. Valuable insights and best practices were not shared across programs. Social Learning offered a way for our client to roll out a customized, large- scale solution.

We created a private online collaboration tool, which housed program-specific training curriculum to enable employees to share key learnings. Employees could now share knowledge in real time. Daily survey results from each location were posted to encourage engagement. Online discussions about CSAT best practices led to direct process improvements. A scorecard system drove accountability at all levels of the business, and business review documents allowed all global locations to standardize the way they shared client results.

The social learning approach led to wholesale improvements to customer service and satisfaction. Executives for the client now had a higher level of visibility into the way their teams interacted with customers, and as the employee adoption rate of the new online community went up, efficiency increased as well. With a new, centralized knowledge hub where information could be stored and accessed, emails and document trails decreased. Across the board, communication improved between employees, teams, and leadership.

Within six months, the client realized significant gains to CSAT scores, proving that a more engaged and connected workforce provides a higher level of service.