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Driving Change from Within

Driving change from within

Driving change from within

$200k saved in costs
from workflow integration
with CRM system
5 business leads
generated from proactive
customer outreach
30% of participants in
a VOC pilot showed
interest in learning more
about the client’s offerings

A leading health services company set itself up for success by implementing a customer-centric approach to business.

A health services group wanted to become more customer-centric and deepen its relationship with customers, primarily physicians and hospital groups. The company also wanted to transform its entire culture to be more customer-centric and align to a unified mission, vision, and set of values.

The organization engaged us as a partner based on the strength of our capabilities in change management, customer experience strategy, and operational excellence and implementation. On the customer side, we helped the team launch a voice of the customer (VOC) pilot program to gain insights into customer needs and expectations. The team reached out to a sample group of hospitals and surgery centers to gather feedback and generate further discussions about the client’s capabilities. The pilot showed early signs of success 30% of respondents expressed interest in learning more about future projects, and the outreach generated five new potential business leads.

Internally, the client developed a new account lifecycle management (ALM) methodology. We trained employees on how to use a relationship map and account action plans, as well as how to apply ALM tools and principles to specific markets. To keep track of progress, the company implemented a CRM system and begin integrating ALM and VOC data into it.

We introduced ways to streamline and standardize leadership practices across the executive team, including vice presidents and directors. The team created a physician services leadership team to oversee the implementation of management practices, such as adopting executive level scorecards and new business review processes. Employee mindset workshops were held to help employees focus on driving deeper customer relationships and partnerships. The team also developed an internal communications campaign to promote a unified vision, mission, and set of values around customer centricity.

As a result, the client gained new insights into its customers’ needs, along with a better understanding of how to leverage data insights to enhance customer relationships. Financially, the work to integrate ALM workflows into the CRM system alone led to upwards of $200,000 in savings. These wins show the organization is on the right track to building a nimble foundation for quickly assessing customers’ needs and providing seamless services.