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A family photo
375 representatives
licensed in 19 states
96% associates achieved
highest CSAT
Expanded across
additional 29 states

A leading insurance company trained licensed associates to deliver great member experiences - across state lines.

An increase in rates and a desire to grow the business prompted a leading insurance company to expand its team of licensed property and casualty (P&C) insurance associates. The company serves members in multiple states, and needed associates with the right credentials who could also deliver the top-notch experience its members expect.

The company did not have the internal resources or capacity to recruit and train additional licensed associates on its own. It engaged us to identify the most capable candidates and realize their potential to provide excellent service quickly.

The client asked for associates with a very specific set of skills. It needed 375 representatives in less than six months who were licensed to sell and provide P&C insurance support across 19 states. Having associates who could work across multiple states and understand the complex insurance landscape was crucial, since many of the client’s members frequently move around the country.

Meeting the challenge meant finding the best possible candidates and training them quickly to meet volume demand while also containing costs. Part of what made our approach so effective is our focus on finding the right person for the job. When we recruited licensed representatives, we also considered unlicensed applicants who had promise.

They completed a pre-licensing assessment in which we evaluated their likelihood of passing the licensing exam, their sales acumen, and their ability to handle complex tasks. This approach helped judge whether candidates were confident and skilled enough to succeed in the role.

This approach also ensured that nearly every candidate would be successfully licensed and ready to move to the next stage: training. We designed a training course to serve as realistic role play, including a simulation designed specifically for associates in the P&C business unit. The course was interactive, featuring conversations with new versus long-time members and simulated calls based on actual conversations.

Several days of training were also dedicated to helping representatives understand the client’s culture and mission, as well as learn common phrases used by members. The training helped associates represent the brand and understand the community of customers they would support.

In less than four months we hired and trained 375 licensed representatives who could sell and answer questions about P&C insurance across 19 states. And within only 45 days of completing the training course, 96% of associates achieved the highest level of customer satisfaction scores. The client now entrusts us with nearly 50% of call volume that was previously handled internally.