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Achieve regulatory stability with an ultra flexible cloud contact center

One of the oldest and largest U.S. financial institutions accelerated its cloud contact center migration while meeting regulatory requirements and achieving key business objectives

Achieve regulatory stability with an ultra flexible cloud contact center

One of the oldest and largest U.S. financial institutions accelerated its cloud contact center migration while meeting regulatory requirements and achieving key business objectives

15% improvement
in IVR containment
Completed cloud
migration 2x faster
than anticipated
Reduced average
training time to 30-60

The challenge

One of the oldest and largest U.S. financial institutions faced regulatory penalties because of its end-of-support infrastructure and applications. The firm needed a way to swiftly migrate its contact center to the Cisco cloud with minimal disruption and develop a long-term transformational strategy while meeting corporate business objectives.

Our solution

Over the years, the large financial services provider had amassed disparate, legacy platforms spread across seven data centers with multiple versions and lines of IVR solutions, self-service applications, and two different call recording solutions.

Recognizing the deep-seated limitations of the fragmented nature of its infrastructure and with active regulatory penalties on the line, the financial organization approached TTEC to help it migrate to a secure and flexible Cisco enterprise cloud contact center in record time.

Our team completed the contact center transformation in less than six months, 2x faster than what was originally planned. The new cloud contact center made it possible for the financial firm to offer seamless self-service within the IVR, train agents faster, and give them a complete customer view in real time. Agents can now log into an omnichannel desktop with customer context and history, speech enabled IVR, and a Quality Assurance recording solution.

The results

The shorter timeline successfully mitigated risk due to ongoing regulatory oversight and shortened the time to return on investment.

Also, our new greenfield IVR application and design improved IVR containment by 15%, and our modern-day digital training offerings help agents move to production calls within 30-60 minutes.

We’re now in phase two of the transformation project working diligently to configure precision call routing, automated outbound marketing, fraud detection and voice biometrics, and a full Voice of Customer and Speech Analytics as a Service proof of concept.