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The Ultimate Customer Experience Wish List

New Research Shows What Businesses Can Do to Exceed Customer Expectations in 2016 and Beyond

DENVER, Dec. 10, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Businesses in all industries are making commitments to the customer experience. Nearly every business surveyed by TeleTech in The 2015 Customer Experience Benchmark Report1 agrees that customer experience will continue to be an area of investment for years to come. The challenge is that many companies are confused about exactly where they should be investing their dollars. Unless they are making investments in the right areas, chances are they won't realize all the benefits associated with an improved customer experience.

As the year comes to an end, TeleTech's eNewsletter, Dialogue, reflects back on what businesses have done over the last year to improve the customer experience, and how these efforts compare to customers' current and future service expectations.

The December issue includes:

The Dialogue eNewsletter is published 12 times a year and has been designed to inspire customer experience excellence. Each issue contains the best customer-centric thought leadership and in-depth research articles. Click here to subscribe.

1The 2015 TeleTech Customer Experience Benchmark Report surveyed 176 customer experience professionals and 3,515 consumers to gauge their perceptions of how businesses deliver customer experience.

ABOUT TeleTech
TeleTech (NASDAQ: TeleTech) is a leading global provider of customer experience, engagement and growth solutions. Founded in 1982, the Company helps its clients acquire, retain and grow profitable customer relationships. Using customer-centric strategy, technology, processes and operations, TeleTech partners with business leadership across marketing, sales and customer care to design and deliver a simple, more human customer experience across every interaction channel. Servicing over 80 countries, TeleTech's 41,000 employees live by a set of customer-focused values that guide relationships with clients, their customers, and each other. To learn more about how TeleTech is bringing humanity to the customer experience, visit