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Customer Satisfaction Rating (CSAT)

Customer Satisfaction Rating (CSAT)

Customer Satisfaction Score or CSAT is a simple customer satisfaction survey methodology that measures a customer's satisfaction with an organization. It's calculated by asking questions about the customer's experience, which is formatted into a survey scale that can range from 1-3, 1-5, or 1-10.

Additional Customer Satisfaction Rating (CSAT) Resources

  • Voice of the Customer: By listening to your customers and letting them rate their satisfaction with your products and services, you can ensure that you match, and exceed, their expectations. This in turn can lead to improved net promoter scores and customer satisfaction ratings.
  • Speech Analytics: Automate your ability to analyze all interactions to improve operational performance and gather key business intelligence and customer insights.
  • Voice of the Customer Strategy and Best Practices: Incorporate digital and mobile voice of customer best practices to effectively increase customer response rates and accurately measure satisfaction among customer groups.
  • Use Real Time Speech Analytics to Improve Voice of the Customer Insights: Contact center customer support teams have access to more customer data than ever before. Combined with AI, voice and speech analytics make it possible for customer service associates to provide customers with the right information at the right time—and even predict customers' reactions.
  • Capturing the Voice of the Customer Extends Well Beyond Surveys: Customized surveys are easy to collect customer data and CSAT surveys provide important qualitative insight about customer behavior and motivations. These rating scale tools are essential, and will always play an important role in understanding customers feelings. But with new data tools available, traditional survey questions are being supplemented in new ways to collect a more holistic voice of the customer (VOC).