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Transforming Offers From Average to Innovative

Transforming offers from average to innovative

Our client serves millions of subscribers around the globe and was looking to simplify its upsell and cross-sell offers. Using a new approach, we were able to help our client increase incremental revenue by 28%.

Transforming offers from average to innovative

Our client serves millions of subscribers around the globe and was looking to simplify its upsell and cross-sell offers. Using a new approach, we were able to help our client increase incremental revenue by 28%.

140 offers
created in 2 days
4% conversion on the
first trial
28% jump in
incremental revenue

A leading global telecommunications operator serving millions of subscribers was looking to simplify the process of delivering upsell and cross-sell offers to customers via an omnichannel approach, as well as provide a greater number of personalized offers. Each offer is typically sent through a unique four- to six-digit code, making it difficult for consumers to remember the various codes. Furthermore, there are only about three different versions of the offer.

We worked with the client to build a platform that allows customers to access all the offers from a single code. The new platform also makes it easier for the marketing department to make modifications to the offers in less time. Within two days, the client was able to create 140 variations of the offers. Additionally, the client team built an analytics and decisioning engine to identify the best offers for each customer. The analytics engine uses an affinity model, a propensity model, a churn model, and other algorithms to assign three of the most relevant offers to each person. For example, customers who are active on social media may receive an offer for unlimited browsing on Facebook and Twitter, whereas another customer may get a different data package offer.

The platform was built with the coordinated efforts of various departments within the client organization. We worked with teams across marketing communications, IT, customer value management, and others to ensure that the platform met each team’s needs in a sustainable and scalable manner.

We tested the new approach by sending offers to a test group of 1 million customers via mobile messaging. Within five days, 17% viewed their personalized offer, and nearly 4% accepted it. Combined with a second trial, incremental revenue increased by 28%.

As a result of the new platform and trials, the client now has greater insights into the type of content that resonates with its customers. It also has the ability to quickly design and optimize offers that are personalized for each customer. The campaigns have since been enhanced by integrating them into other channels such as the client’s mobile apps and email. Furthermore, we delivered significant value by streamlining and operationalizing the existing infrastructure without any additional investment on the customer’s part. Also, none of the client’s competitors had a similar approach to delivering personalized offers, which helped differentiate the client’s brand.