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Sky’s the limit

Leading airline loyalty program embarks on CX transformation while reducing costs by 50%

Sky’s the limit

Leading airline loyalty program embarks on CX transformation while reducing costs by 50%

50% reduction
loyalty program
service costs
Email turnaround
sped from 7 days
to 24 hours

The challenge

One of the world’s top airlines had a well-established customer loyalty program that was beginning to fall behind consumers’ omnichannel expectations. It needed a new partner to help drive a seamless, integrated, consistent customer experience across channels, products, and customer groups. The solution needed to be cost effective and deliver sustainable benefits while offering multiple channel and device choices.

With a drive for continuous innovation and improvement, the company wanted an agile and scalable model that would benefit both employees and the business, building the right culture across the teams while delivering the services.

Our solution

We were selected to help the company revitalize and modernize its loyalty program. Essential to the project was securing early operational efficiencies to pay for the investment. Some operations moved to more cost-effective locations, and customers were encouraged to use self-service tools and chat or email for simple interactions. Customers have taken to the digital options, going from zero chats to about 15,000 per month, against a voice call total of around 50,000.

We also worked closely with the client to increase efficiency. We implemented a knowledge management system to standardize internal information and create consistency across the organization. Associates could more easily access the right information during interactions to help loyalty program members. This led to improvements in first call resolution (FCR), greater accuracy, and fewer repeat calls.

Going through an open and transparent discovery process and collaborating closely with the team was key to developing the right long-term solution for the company, and for building a partnership of trust. Fueled by best-in-class technology and operations, we provided proven infrastructure, a learning platform, and omnichannel integration to our client, ensuring total alignment between its loyalty business goals and its commercial model. Loyalty points and incentive information is more readily shared with other areas of the business, creating a more seamless experience for customers.

The results

The company achieved many significant benefits as a result of its customer experience transformation. For example, introducing chat capability increased FCR and reduced costs, providing a win for both the company and loyalty program members. And improved efficiencies sped up email response time from seven days to 24 hours.

Great customer experience is now at the heart of the loyalty service for this prestigious brand, from its strategic vision all the way through to operational delivery. Our client is now in a good position for future growth and continuous improvement, where customer experience will continue to be enhanced through further multichannel and self-service enablement.