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Proactive problem-solving increases the bottom line

Through fast, collaborative actions, TTEC helped an automotive company transform a budgetary pitfall into a CX win

Proactive problem-solving increases the bottom line

Through fast, collaborative actions, TTEC helped an automotive company transform a budgetary pitfall into a CX win

$220K projected
annualized revenue
Increased employee
7% increase in production
hours; 330 hours per
month saved

The challenge

An automotive company faced a slowing market, which resulted in budget cuts reducing the workforce of this organization. This led to a problem that can be common in this scenario: achieving the same sales outcomes with a reduced headcount. In order to close this gap, TTEC needed to increase agent efficiency and productivity in the lead generation activities that were provided to this client.

Our solution

As a trusted partner that provides sales support through voice, email, and other channels, our first move was to utilize our Proactive Solution process. TTEC associates analyzed the root causes inhibiting productivity and efficiency in the lead generation process and collaborated with the client on identifying a solution that was effective and efficient. What we learned was that specific agents had a much higher inbound call return rate than others. These returned calls, which were in response to voicemails left by our agents, yielded a better outcome than the outbound calls overall. However, this process was inconsistent.

We looked to convert more of the outbound leads into a higher performing inbound rate while increasing the agent efficiencies. To accomplish this, we proposed creating an automated voicemail system to improve the company’s customer experience and call return success rate with customers.

The agents with the best tone, consistency, and overall delivery of the message were selected to create the automated voicemail that would be played to customers. The voicemail messages were sent to customers who inquired about a vehicle when visiting one of the client’s websites. The vehicle they selected was included in the customized message. Different voicemails were drafted to allow for a customized experience. These customizations were based on the model indicated in the lead.

Once the recordings were complete, we integrated the new automated voicemail system into the technology already used by agents to make outbound calls. This allowed for a quick uptraining period and we were able to launch this new procedure immediately.

With the click of a button, agents were able to leave a consistent message in tone and delivery while customizing the customer’s experience. In addition to creating more returned calls, we allowed agents to increase productivity by moving onto their next lead immediately. This greatly increased the agent’s efficiency while maintaining quality.

We also used this opportunity to engage and involve the team by running a floor-wide contest to win the chance to be the “Voice of the Company.” Winners were chosen based on the tone, consistency, and overall delivery of the voicemail messages associated with the most returned calls. All participants also received gift cards.

The results

As a result of TTEC’s proactive actions, every customer now receives a specific message, delivered consistently. Based on current data, we expect an annualized increase of $220,000 for the client via an increase in returned calls from voicemails.

Prior to implementing the automated voicemails, agents were manually leaving a voicemail message on 80% of the calls. The automated voicemails resulted in a 7% increase in production hours or 330 hours per month that could be utilized in other ways.

And given that voicemails took up a significant portion of the agents’ day without a tangible result, morale was low. By reducing the amount of time agents spent on a single voicemail to mere seconds, they were able to move to another lead quicker, allowing them to reach more customers in less time.