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Policy Annotation

Policy annotation flags issues easier

6M user-generated content posts reviewed

Policy annotation flags issues easier

6M user-generated content posts reviewed

6M user-generated
content posts reviewed
Created a dictionary
of words, phrases

The challenge

Our client is one of the largest travel sites in the world and wanted to ensure that customers were following their Terms of Service within the review section of the website. The initial algorithm would pull any User Generated Content (UGC). There were many TOS violations including: mentioning employee names, pricing, and vulgarity.

Our solution

Our annotators annotated the UGC in order to have the machine recognize what fell within the TOS and what was violated terms of service.

The results

TTEC has reviewed more than 6 million user-generated posts to better understand what the machine would pull and whether or not those snippets followed the terms. We created a dictionary of words and phrases that are now tagged in red so the reviewer can be sure to take action.