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Digital innovation connects patients and interpreters in seconds

A mobile video-streaming application quickly put patients in touch with an interpreter, resulting in increased customer satisfaction and efficiency

Digital innovation connects patients and interpreters in seconds

A mobile video-streaming application quickly put patients in touch with an interpreter, resulting in increased customer satisfaction and efficiency

The challenge

Language Access Network connects patients and medical providers with interpreters fluent in more than 210 languages. To better its customers, LAN needed a mobile video-streaming application that can be accessed by patients and medical providers quickly and easily.

Our solution

After conducting a comprehensive review of LAN’s needs and goals, Avtex, a TTEC Digital company, drafted a battle plan to integrate a variety of technologies to create a video remote interpreting service that is brought to life through wireless mobile Martti (My Accessible Real-Time Trusted Interpreter) touchscreen units. Using these touchscreen units, patients and medical providers in hospitals and clinics are able to request an interpreter that meets their needs quickly and easily.

The results

Through the MAARTI solution, LAN is able to offer its customers an application that saves time, money and lives. Agents are able to provide quality interpretation services to Limited English Proficient and Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing patients throughout the country, all in a matter of seconds. From the moment a patient walks into a medical care facility, he or she has instantaneous access to an interpreter via a two-way video conference.

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