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Reimagined workflows, tools help cut video production time nearly 40%

Reimagined workflows, tools help cut video production time nearly 40%

A high-tech brand came to TTEC for help finding the perfect partner – turns out, it was us

Reimagined workflows, tools help cut video production time nearly 40%

A high-tech brand came to TTEC for help finding the perfect partner – turns out, it was us

Quick, expert help at the ready

A company that develops learning solutions and comprehensive content libraries for top brands was expanding its product offerings rapidly but didn’t have enough in-house staff to keep up with demand.

The company came to TTEC in 2019 when it needed to rebrand older, on-demand courses and marketing videos. Rebranding the videos was a complicated undertaking because it required live acting talent and the client’s studio was under renovation.

It would have taken the client’s in-house staff about eight weeks to build the 15 courses that needed rebranding, and the company sought our help in choosing external video services suppliers.

A fresh perspective uncovers efficiencies

While the client wanted us to help select video production partners, we knew we had the expertise to save them time, money, and headaches. Our experience in learning and development, combined with TTEC’s in-house technical expertise, positioned us well to expand our partnership by building the courses end-to-end for the client.

The company needed media designers to edit videos, generate assets, and animate graphics quickly. It also needed instructional designers to create storyboards, design templates, and build their designed courses on an authoring tool — as well as — post–production work. TTEC could do it all.

By tapping into our in-house, cross-functional expertise, the client was able to work with just one partner instead of multiple vendors. Our team completed 15 courses in about five weeks, nearly 40% faster than the client’s own staff could have done.

We also presented some new ideas based on our experience and best practices. We suggested using artificial intelligence tools to replace segments of voiceovers and videos that previously required live actors. We also recommended the client licence stock media instead of building certain components from scratch.

The client trusted us and was open to our suggestions and recommendations, which ultimately helped save the company time and money. For a course that required three or four videos, for instance, using stock assets cut production time by 75% — from as many as eight days to as few as two.

Ready to keep growing, together

The client was so happy with the quality of our video work, savings, and efficiencies we uncovered, that it engaged TTEC to work on additional projects.

In every video project we undertake, we assess what technology can help expedite timelines — without sacrificing quality — and where workflows can be improved. We have become an extension of the brand, even helping to train some of its in-house media designers.

Our partnership works so well because it’s truly collaborative. We maintain constant communication with the client’s leadership to ensure we’re meeting their needs and that they understand and agree with our approach. The client works in a quickly evolving industry, and TTEC has the agility and expertise to help the company keep innovating.