
The CX Pod

You probably think this podcast is about you, don't you? Well, you’re right. This is a customer experience podcast hosted by Elizabeth Glagowski of the Customer Strategist Journal.

Tune in for regular discussions and interviews with the brightest and best in CX to get your competitive edge.

Recent Episodes

CX Bites: The Best of Customer Experience Insights

Over past few months, we had the opportunity to speak to some of the most revered CX experts and influencers on what it takes to meet and exceed customer expectations at a time where it’s...

CEOs Reimagine Business in a Post-Pandemic World

Prior to the pandemic, most companies entered 2020 with modest to high growth goals. How have CEOs’ goals and priorities shifted in today’s new reality? Pete Hayes, CMO and principal at...

Leadership Strategies for Digital Transformation Success

Digital transformation is more than technology, it's the people and culture that can embrace change and it make it more human. COVID-19 accelerated this transformation, and now we ask ourselves...

Healthcare CX's New Reality: What to Expect

How will healthcare CX evolve in a world that’s been changed by the coronavirus? TTEC’s healthcare CX experts Sheila Curr and Tim Keefe share insights on opportunities for healthcare...

A Direct-to-Consumer Retail Roadmap

Key Takeaways Your customers are your best investors.  An emotional connection can trump convenience. Humanity plus data is a winning formula.  As customer expectations rise, even direct...

Collections: Turn a Negative Interaction Into a Positive Customer Experience

The collections business unit is vital to the overall experience full of potential for increased revenue if managed with a customer-centric focus. Lester Estonina, TTEC’s executive director...

NRF 2020: What is the Future of Work?

Our team visited the 2020 National Retail Federation (NRF) "Big Show" in New York City to report on the latest thought leadership and technology reshaping the retail industry. To create a...

Research: Balance Privacy With Personalization to Deliver Great Experiences

Ryan Hollenbeck, Senior Vice President of Global Marketing at Verint Systems, shares results of new research showing how much information customers are willing to part with to get great experiences...

Delivery Route Planning: A Hotbed for Innovation

How does the customer experience affect delivery routes? What are the low-hanging fruits of making deliveries and where can companies differentiate? George Shchegolev, co-founder and VP of...

Customer Trust Starts With Action

Everyone has that friend that clicks with them, someone who always knows what you need but still manages to surprise you in wonderful ways. According to author Jeff Fromm, those are the brands that...

