

A Parallelogram: The Flu and Bad Customer Experiences

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On January 11, 2013 the CDC announced that influenza has officially reached epidemic proportions in the U.S., with 7.3 percent of deaths last week caused by pneumonia and the flu. But the American people aren’t the only ones who are sick. Companies across the nation are suffering from similar, widespread infections—caused by their bad customer experiences. And like the flu, one infected customer causes another and another…
How You Got The Flu + Why it

The flu and bad customer experiences follow some very similar parallels, and this infographic from Raka Creative shows how influenza (just like unhappy customers) can spread to launch a widespread epidemic. As the infographic explains, the influenza virus has a burr-like outer coat that grabs onto anything and everything. If you’re from Texas (like me), you might equate these protein-wrapped flu viruses to those pesky cockleburs back at the ranch. When the virus grabs onto the outer wall of your cells, it’s a copy-paste reaction that produces thousands of new viruses until you’re sick.

Bad customer experiences are much the same. According to the American Express Global Customer Service Barometer survey, customers tell twice as many people about bad service than they do about good service. With today’s socially networked consumers, it’s clear to see why a negative customer experience can quickly sicken companies. Once this bad "customer experience influenza” is a part of a customer base, the situation multiplies and affects others in that customer’s social network.

U.S. officials are calling this the worst flu season in a decade, and due to increasing customer demands and trends in social buying decisions, it’s also quickly becoming the worst customer experience season for business leaders. But don’t worry, there are remedies and cures. Not only can you wash your hands frequently and get a flu vaccine (it’s not too late), but additionally companies can partner with customer experience management organizations to help them:
  • Evaluate their current customer experience and design a roadmap for improvement
  • Build a technology platform for superior customer service interactions
  • Deliver customer experience excellence across social media and mobile apps
  • Leverage customer data to engage customers and ignite sales

When it comes to the flu and poor-quality service interactions, both your immune system and TTEC stand ready to help you fight the battle to create a healthy customer experience.

This infographic was created by Raka Creative, and this article summarizes some of its contents and information, which came from Harvard Health Publications. The original infographic is here.